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Ep. 64 // Part 1: Open Up Your Heart to Hospitality with Hannah Taylor! The Backstory and BTS

When I say the word HOSPITALITY

or when someone asks if you would host an event

or there’s the need or expectation to have someone over for dinner

or someone spontaneously wants to stop by….

how does that make you feel?

I’m not sure how these situations may trigger you, but I can say that in the past I have been very BURNT OUT on hospitality when it comes to others visiting or staying with me or even hosting dinners. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Today’s conversion MATTERS because your HOME matters.

The culture you create matters and the lives you touch IN and THROUGH your home MATTER. There is a bigger vision than the “world” you are consumed with (meaning all the things that make up your personal life and take up your calendar)

I get it - more than you know- the challenge with finding the capacity to invite others into your life when you already feel FULL to the brim.

HOWEVER, this past year has been a huge change for me as I’ve opened up my heart to gathering with others FACE to FACE on a weekly and intentional basis.

I’ve not only been learning the VALUE and BLESSING of hospitality, but things went to a whole new level when I ended up having an unexpected guest live with me for the past 2 months.

Romans 12:13 "When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality."

Well, I had that house guest, my sweet friend Hannah, on the podcast with me this week to talk about how this came about; what this experience has been like, and what we’ve been learning when it comes to hospitality.

If you desire greater influence and impact and to really be the change you wish to see in the world from a Biblical perspective…open up your heart to this conversation today and see what the Lord may want to speak to you.

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Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast, where we get encouraged and empowered as we pursue our greatest potential within the walls of our home. Hey Mama, my name is Michelle Hiatt, and I'm so thankful you're here. Do you feel like your life is good, but something in you feels unfulfilled? Do you feel stuck in the trenches of motherhood, exhausted and working so hard, but feeling like you're getting nowhere? Do you have big dreams you hold in your heart, but you've been living small? Are you motivated for more, but don't have the clarity or the courage to do anything about it? Do you want to discover God's best and see if it's really possible to be an excellent wife, an intentional mother, and be successful in business, all for the glory of God? As a wife of 16 years, a homeschooling mom of five, and an entrepreneur, I know exactly how you feel. Every bit of it. I truly believe that the most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your home and that there is purpose in every season. If you are a fellow business-minded mama, with a heart for home and a love for Jesus, let's process this journey and grow together.


Also, I want to remind you to get in touch with me go to the website nursing Michelle calm and send me a voice message, a SpeakPipe voice note or a comment.

Let me know your questions.

First of all, I would love to hear your feedback after you hear these conversations. But I want to know what's on your heart? What's on your mind? What questions do you have, even around this topic of hospitality or whatever is just weighing on your mind and on your heart right now. I would love to respond to you more specifically on the podcast. I would need to hear from you in order to do that. So I opening up the communication lines. So let me know how I can serve you best.

Michelle Hiatt

And don't forget to take a second to scroll down to the bottom of this podcast right now to click the five stars to rate this episode and just say thank you for this beautiful conversation that's about to happen and to share it with all of the women in your life that would love some encouragement when it comes to cultivating a heart of hospitality in their home and making a greater difference in this world that we're living in the trenches.

Michelle Hiatt

Hey guys, welcome back to the Nourishing Mompreneur Podcast and today, I'm not here alone. I've got my sweet friend Hannah with me. Not just in the house, but on the mic. We're actually sharing the podcast. I thought we would do a zoom but yeah, no, we're just like sitting here in the living room on the same mic. So this is really fun and special and a first for us here. But listen, why? Why is she here with me today? Well, Hannah has been living in our home for the past two months and I'm so excited for you to get to know her her heart her experience when it comes to this conversation of hospitality. Really living in a deeply flexible place of surrender while remaining joyful in the process. And also prioritizing face to face relationships and so much more. We just have so much we want to share with you so I'm really excited for this time together. Thank you so much for carving out time from your schedule to sit with me today and welcome.

Hannah Taylor

Thank you so much. It's my honor. Totally.

Michelle Hiatt

Alright, so tell us just real quick, a little bit about you and where you're at.

Hannah Taylor

Yeah, so my name is Hannah. I am 27 years old. I am photo journalists and moved to Florida two and a half years ago and just have a heart for Jesus and want to know Him and follow Him and live for him. So that has brought me to Orlando for the time being and, here I am.

Michelle Hiatt

So I was praying about it. And I was like, wow, well, Hannah's living here. I want to have a conversation with her and this is the truth guys like we could literally talk for 15 million hours we could talk all day every day about so many things. It's insane. But I was like being what is the one thing that I feel called to ask her to talk about that would be on your heart Lord and the topic was on hospitality because this has been something new to me in this sense to have somebody living in my home. So just to provide some context. I just want to start out and share with you guys. I'm going to kind of take over the mic for a few minutes and tell you a little bit about my story and my testimony when it comes to this word hospitality and really how I was completely burnout and even even bitter towards it. Really. You know, I've always been told that I was good at hospitality. And when I look back, I always thought that I thought I was but then I got to the place where I was like, no actually I hated to do it. I couldn't because it was one of those things. It wasn't because I was choosing it. It was because I had to and I was kind of forced in those situations. And what happened was we moved away our family moved to Nashville, Tennessee area a little bit in North Carolina.

Michelle Hiatt

So during that time that we were gone, we had a lot of change and transition. We were moving a lot and you know I've had a lot of babies and so there was just a lot of transition. But on top of that, because we lived away we had continual company. It felt I was always cleaning up after somebody had left or preparing for somebody to come. And it was just this continual cycle of hosting guests of accommodating people of just putting your best face forward. And it just was really, really exhausting. And things kind of peaked when we took a little season North Carolina where we actually were living in the same home with another family for a time because of circumstances and in that season. I literally felt like I lived in a fishbowl. It was just people all the time. A lot of boundaries were crossing there wasn't a lot of the wisdom and just the grace and the understanding back then that I know now and so all of that just played a toll on me. And when we ended up moving back to Florida, I cannot tell you how excited I was to not have to host anybody anymore. We live near family now at this point. And we didn't have an extra room in our house and I just literally remember feeling like I'm so happy. I don't have to have any buddy over for dinner. I don't have to have anybody stay here like my family is all mine. My house is all mine and I'm so happy to close up my doors and just do my life and stop feeling like I have to be on everybody else's schedule. So there was that and then I healed up from that season and had that time to rest and really just cherish my family which is again it's a good and a healthy thing. It's just that my heart was not open it was really closed off and frustrated and burnt out and bitter asbestos where I was and then from there life just got busy. As a work from home homeschooling mom of five I mean, we were just full to the brim. There was no space, there was no capacity. There was no margin for posting people and having people over and even getting together. You know how it is I could oh my gosh, if I could just say that amount of times where mom is like hey, let's get coffee.. Yeah, I would love to get coffee with you but when where how is this gonna fit so challenging? I know you get this. It is a miracle it seems when you can actually get two moms together for some quality one on one time because there's so many things that just pull us away from that face to face connection.

Michelle Hiatt

So, after that life was just busy. It wasn't that I was against it necessarily. There just wasn't room for it. And as you guys know, this past year has been a deep journey of surrender. And part of my journey has been slowing down and opening up my heart in new ways. And that's like opening up my home. And so really valuing people face to face and those relationships and really seeking to do life with the family of believers that God has called us to that has been new and challenging in its own way. But the thing is that we've been aligning our lives to really give ourselves to that way to really give ourselves the time and the capacity for those relationships because it doesn't just happen I'm gonna say upfront, you will never have time for this kind of thing. You will never you have to make the time you have to prioritize it. So that's just the truth of the matter. So even though I've stopped our lives to have people over and to get together with other people and really cultivate these relationships.

Michelle Hiatt

Things went to a whole other level just the last couple months when I had the opportunity for Hannah to live and are home. And so I will just tell you straight up this is nothing that ever ever crossed my mind. It wasn't in the plan. I had no idea. So what happened was I met Hannah through church. I didn't know her that well or that much and we ended up one day having a conversation. You're like, Hey, can we talk and I was like, Sure. Well, okay, back up for a second. I knew that she was in a situation where she was needing to, to figure out housing. She was in a house with some other ladies and things were changing and they were all needing to kind of relocate. And I knew that that was the situation I knew she needed a place to live. But being the good Christian that I am, like, like we all are like sure I will be praying. I will pray that the Lord will provide a place no problem. You have my prayers. Never in a million years that it crossed my mind that like hey, I actually have a home and we couldn't make room never crossed my mind.

Michelle Hiatt

So one day, Hannah asked to talk we got on a zoom together and I'm just giving you guys like the real Cliff's Notes version. But she was like, "you know, I'm not saying "thus saith the Lord," but I really want to be obedient and I really feel led to ask you if you would pray about me living with you guys?"

Michelle Hiatt

And immediately I was kind of like, I wasn't expecting that I was taking a little bit off guard. And I was like yeah, well, I can tell you upfront, it's not that I'm unwilling. I just don't know if we can if we can afford to and there was a million reasons why. It just in my mind wasn't going to work. We didn't have an extra room, timing was bad. We might be in transition ourselves, possibly moving like there was a million reasons why. It just wasn't going to work. It didn't make sense. And yeah, probably know, my heart is good, but not gonna happen. Anyhow, I got off the phone with her and I promise I was like, Yes, I will pray about it. So I went and talked to my husband, thinking immediately that he would be probably not in favor considering all of the reasons that I was already thinking about. He was immediately in favor. He immediately was on board and supportive. And I was like, wait, what? And so I won't get into all the details but it is really neat that you know, the Lord had spoken to my husband specifically and to me separately the exact same thing about Hannah. We didn't know her that well. But he had revealed to us that through our relationship with her. She has something special to teach us and we were going to actually connect as families that she was going to be like family and we were going to do life together and be close. Like we already knew this and we knew some specific, even reasons why she was in our life and that it was precious and special and we were all on board with it. But to have somebody living in our home now that was another conversation, so he was really supportive and on board and he already was prepared in his heart which was was really interesting. So we kind of knew that evening immediately wow, like, this is probably going to happen. I feel like let me go to bed Let me pray about it. And so I went to bed that night just asking the Lord "Lord give me wisdom. I just want to know like whatever you want. You have my Yes, but please give me clarity."

Michelle Hiatt

So the next morning I woke up and I really was just praying into that. And I will read to you. I'm going to read it. I was reading in Romans 12. And this is what it said. I'm going to start at the beginning because it's just so good. And then I'll skip to the part that really confirmed what the Lord was already speaking to my heart. So this is Romans 12 and starts out the title, you know, in the Bible, you have the title:

A living sacrifice to God.

And so do your brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your body to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Michelle Hiatt

Skipping to verse 9:

Don't just pretend to love others, really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection and take the light in honoring each other. Never be lazy but work hard and serve the Lord and enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble and keep on praying. When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.

Michelle Hiatt

The passion translation says "eagerly welcome people as guests into your home."

Michelle Hiatt

And I have read that verse many times before but when I read it that next morning, as I was specifically asking God for clarity and for an answer because I'm like God, I just need to know what your heart is for this situation. It could not have been more highlighted in my heart. Always be eager to practice hospitality. So right then and there. I knew what we were to do. There was complete confirmation. I just want to encourage you guys another note is to remember that the Lord speaks to you through his work he's going to confirm the things that he's speaking to you so make sure that you're in the word and that you're really finding him and seeking Him through reading the Word of God. So I text Hannah immediately and let her know my answer because you know the thing is is delayed obedience, I'm like that's just disobedience like I know what to do. It didn't mean I didn't have to process through that. And It didn't mean that I didn't have to wrestle through logistics and mindsets or emotions or whatever that is. It's just I had clarity. And my answer was yes, Lord, and I let Hannah know immediately. And that was how this whole situation even begin.

Michelle Hiatt

But I want to really quick, just define hospitality because we're using this word in this conversation. And I know that I don't know what that means to you. I don't know how that triggers you or what your perception is. I just wanted to find that and say Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines hospitality as generous and friendly treatment of visitors and guests or hospitable treatments.

Michelle Hiatt goes a little bit further and it defines hospitality as the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors or strangers. So there's that and I just want to challenge you today. It's really about the posture of your heart. Hospitality is going to look different for everybody in every situation. But your heart really matters because if your heart is right, if your heart is surrendered towards what God desires and what his heart is for you, you're going to be able to respond as the Lord leads with action and when opportunities arise. So this is all about the posture of your heart, but I just wanted to open up and challenge you through this conversation through my story and through a whole lot more of just things that we have on our heart to share. But I just wanted to share my sites so that you have context. I'm going to pass the mic to Hannah. And I want to know honestly, it's funny we have not actually had this conversation because for us, it didn't really matter like this backstory that we're sharing wasn't even a thing because we knew Lord, we trust your leadership in our life number one, and number two, this is what you ordained, this is what you've asked, and this is your desire. And so this conversation hasn't really been priority. So I literally don't even know what you're going to say. So I want to know from you. What was your side? What was the situation? What was the Lord speaking and how did you even get to the point to boldly courageously ask me to move in that way?

Hannah Taylor

Yeah. So okay, this was in November and you guys had hosted House Church on one of the Sundays in November and I remember coming in, sitting in the room and the Lord was He was doing a lot in the heart, specifically with vulnerability that morning and there was... so recently I mean, in the last six months towards transitioned me to be a part of this House Church that we're at where I got to meet Michelle and Tyler and the kids and and so I live kind of far away because that's where I've been located, about 45 minutes away. And so we we drove in, and we were at House Church and the Lord started to speak to me and something that our pastor was sharing was about how we need to prioritize the relationships that are in this room and how we need to even inconvenience ourselves to prioritize them. And so I remember getting in the car with this precious woman who I've been living with, I call her Momma Cami. And when we were driving away, I was like, you know, Momma Cami, I just I feel like the Lord was really speaking to me about how like, there might need to be a transition of where we're living like to be closer to this, this company of people that the Lord's brought us to. She and I and the other girls like your friends who were living together, we are in this transition of we have to be out of our house and we didn't know where we were going to be and so we were all just like really seeking the Lord thinking it was going to be together and he started to speak to me specifically about prioritizing, and like being located close to two people from the House Church. So after that very day, you came up to me and he said, "Hey, can we have lunch together?" That very morning, like right after.

Michelle Hiatt

Wait hold on, you know what's really funny is I was literally praying that you would find something close because I wanted you close. I really wanted you to live close so that we could "Do life together," but I still was not open like I just never thought. Like, let me offer our home, never. It's so funny.

Hannah Taylor

That's wild.. Yeah, that whole morning. I'm like I'm supposed to be coming closer here. Still not even thinking not even imagining that it would be this home where I even had that first thought about it that we're having live here with you guys. So we had lunch that afternoon. I got to be with you and Tyler and the kids for the first time like really we hadn't ever spent time together and literally, I mean, we were here for probably five hours that afternoon. And we're sitting around the table and I just sometimes the way the word communicates to me, always, always through the Word and there will be these whiffs of like it's like wind like rushing through. It's like, just a thought will feel like a blow of wind and it just kept blowing through my mind like the whole time we were sitting there.

Hannah Taylor

"You're gonna live with them for a season. You're gonna live with them for a season." and I just kept thinking, Lord, what? Like is that you or is that just my own desire? Because I'm resonating so much with you guys sharing your story and I just I love being around their children and I was like, "Is this me or is this you?"

Hannah Taylor

And it just kept occurring to my mind like the whole, probably five times within the course of us sitting together. So I kind of just tucked that away and I I pondered it in my heart and was like Lord, if this is you just make the way straight and so we, me and Momma Cami left and in over the course of the next two weeks. We were still on the search for another place to live like we kept we were being faithful and praying together and just we kept hitting a roadblock and that next week when I went away, I sensed the Lord saying to me, really prompting me to have a conversation with you about living with you and Tyler and it's a really vulnerable thing, because typically in the past, as the Lord lead me and he'll sometimes orchestrate the other side to like invite me in. But then for me to be like "Hey, um, can I be in your home?" It's like a vulnerable thing. And so, He's strategic and he has been teaching me and is still teaching me always about vulnerability but I I kept hitting this roadblock, trying to find another place to live and I sensed Him saying, "If you are going to continue to delay with asking, with talking to Tyler and Michelle, then you're actually preventing breakthrough for the other girls to find a place because you're all searching together and I have something different and I need you to come in alignment with what I'm asking of you."

Hannah Taylor

And I felt like a bit of a discipline from the Lord, just out of the delay of obedience. Out of timidity and like, fear and whatever. So I repented for that and I just said, "Okay, Lord, I'm like, I'm gonna obey you" and I yeah, I have that conversation, on FaceTime. And you were like, "You know, I'm not saying it's a no, but probably not yet."

Hannah Taylor

And all the while I'm like, "Okay, Lord, I'm just I'm being obedient. I don't know what else to do." I'm just doing what I know to do. And so I went to bed that night, and I felt my conscience was clear because I was like "Lord, I did all that I knew to do." Like, I really felt like I was supposed to jump ship kind of like thinking about Jonah and him being disobedient and they had to get him off the boat for them to have breakthrough. So I was like, what I was trying to like, surrender. I was trying to just walk the plank like now what do I do? And so I went to bed I'm like, Lord, just just have your way.

Hannah Taylor

So then woke up the next morning, and I never looked at my phone in the morning, but that particular morning, I looked at it and I got the text from you at like 8am and you were like, "Hey, I wasn't expecting to message you back so soon and I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't have complete clarity with Tyler but the Lord has shown us that this is right in that, like you're supposed to live with us." And I was overwhelmed with so much joy and just felt the pleasure of the Lord over it and then literally the next day, the other girls had their place lined up. Wow. And it was just this perfect orchestration and He needed to kind of allow me to feel that discomfort to know okay, I can step out and it might not happen automatically, but you're always going to come through for me whenever I'm like, just seeking to be led by you. So yeah.

Michelle Hiatt

You know, you said something to me when we had that conversation you were asking. I remember asking what do your parents think? Because you had just been with them? I'm like, what do your mom and dad think? And you said "You know, they really trust the Lord's leadership in my life." And you have used that phrase a couple of times. And since then, I have really embraced and acquired that phrase because it is true. Like ultimately we have to trust the Lord's leadership in our life and he is a good shepherd and he's guiding us and whether you're on the giving or the receiving end of hospitality, there is vulnerability involved. That's the point. And God wants us to be vulnerable. Because in that place, we're open up to what he can do, and he can really show up in a capacity that he can when we're closed off and the doors of our heart are closed. And you know, I think for you guys listening, I'm sure that inviting somebody into your home even if it's just for dinner or having a guest stay with you or somebody actually moving in for a time. That is to me, I will tell you the reason why this was such a big deal and why I never even considered it is because it is the most vulnerable thing that I could ever do.

Michelle Hiatt

Because my home is my world. It is where I work. It is where we play it where I raise my kids where homeschool. My entire life is in my home. It's my world. And so to have somebody comment to really just invite them into your place in your space to see because it's real, The Good, the Bad, the Ugly, that is raw, that is real. That is scary, that is vulnerable. But I will tell you although I knew without a doubt that this was God's desire, I knew that I still had to process through some things and I had a process through some mindsets that I had carried over from previous seasons.

Michelle Hiatt

For example, last time when I was burnt out on hospitality and having people in the home it's because I had the disease to please I was always treating people the entire time like they were a guest and I had to like perform and it was exhausting. And this was not going to be the case. My number one goal was I'm going to be completely 100% myself, and even when you came I told you I welcome you like a guest but I'm going to treat you like family. And what's been so beautiful is even before you came, let me back up for one second. The week before you came. I cannot express I have had had such a deep peace preparing for you to come in every way. It was just the grace of God has just been on it from the beginning. And so it wasn't even his grace. There was joy in it. There was excitement. There was just his goodness all over it because I knew that God had ordained this time and it was going to be something special. And it's not even over. It's just the beginning. of something beautiful and relationships are beautiful. walking together with believers is a beautiful thing. And so his grace has been on it his piece has been in it as I've continued to surrender my old mindset or my flesh or my feelings and just trust God and what He has planned and not have to have all the answers and have it all figured out. So it's been really beautiful. And I will tell you, now that we're two months into it, I have felt completely myself. I feel like I have not acted any different that nothing has been weird or awkward or it hasn't been disruptive. It's actually been amazing. And so for that I just have to give God glory. So I just want to share from experience that when God is in something when He is asking you to do something, when He is asking you to surrender your heart in new ways and open up your home in these ways. He's going to be faithful, He's going to take care of you. And there's going to be blessing and grace for that. So I am really thankful for this time and I know that we're actually up against another transition. And what's so interesting is that this transition that's happening as you move locations, again for a bit, all that we know is ahead of us. It's special because God has ordained this. If we both were honest with ourselves and with each other, and we just went off how we felt. I'm not really ready for you to leave, you know, and I think you would probably you could probably stay a little longer to your heart.

Hannah Taylor

100%, oh my God.

Michelle Hiatt

So I think it's interesting that these choices where we live and what we do with our lives, it really we really want the Lord to guide and lead us we don't want to just go off of feelings and convenience and preference because we're really going to miss out on his full plan and his bigger picture if we do that. So one more thing as we kind of wrap up this first part of our conversation is, you know, from a living here from really just coming in and being welcomed as family and treated no different in the sense of like, we haven't been putting on a show we just this is us, and you seem good and you've seen not so great moments. It's just how it is but like, what does it been like for you? How do you feel now that you've been here for a few months? Are there some highlights? Anything that you've specifically learned from being in our home that you would love to share?

Hannah Taylor

This is going to need a whole podcast of its own, okay, ya'll. Because I I just need to first say that this woman, she literally practices what she preaches. I've gotten to hear I haven't gotten to listen to all of your process. But the ones that I've heard, I will be like driving away from the home on my way to the gym or on my way to running or whatever and I'll be listening to her and I'm like yep, she does that. I know it. Yep, she's saying this and she lives that and I have just been honestly like, I go to sleep almost every night thinking toward you are so kind to me, has brought me into this whole time and I see it as such a strategy from him. It's not just like a random occurrence. It's like he's so strategic with everything he does in all of our lives as we as we're letting him be Lord of our lives. And so when I when I think about my time here, I think for the rest of my life I'm going to be extracting like little nuggets of wisdom and revelation from from these couple months and I think, man when I when I hear when I hear the words intentionality I think of Michelle I think the way that I have gotten to watch her every day like genuinely pursuing the hearts of her children and going on walks with them and being like such a such a person of vision she and Tyler are true people have visions as they seek your ward. And I think the the unity that they live within is actually what gives room for just the beauty that I'm getting to experience being around their children and like the order there's just a lot of order like they're, they're, they're so free and like they're so they're so fun, but there's like a there's a protocol which is like the protocol of the kingdom that they're really learning to, to walk in and live in. And so I would say like the unity of the two of them.

Hannah Taylor

The two of you guys has just been really sweet to see like you guys really fight for your marriage you you you take time like last night you you when you walked in just got to share your hearts with each other and you don't just go through the motions like you're you're really you're really seeking to fight for the things that the Lord values and He's a family man so he values family so much and you guys don't busier lives of you. You really are after like the deep the deep things of what the wards heart is after not just not just doing a bunch of stuff but actually being his and learning to walk with Him and and so even seeing Tyler like be the priest of his home and and I'll be upstairs spending time with Jesus and all here Tyler just singing his heart out here and like the way that he truly has like taken that as like his mantle and there's so much power in that in the way that you you guys are scattered team and yet you so joyfully are yielded to his leadership in the home. And yeah, there's just so many things and like the way their kids are i i literally we joke around a lot. I feel like a big sister like a second Hannah in the family because they have their own Hannah. And yeah, just I don't even really have words. I know that. I know that for years. I'm just gonna be thinking about the things that He the Lord taught me through tasting of his life and you guys, not just sitting down you've given me a checklist of all the great parenting tips and marriage tips and whatever but just watching you and and being near you and, and even Michelle, she'll come up to me be like, "Hey, can we talk for a minute?" And she just wants to like, know how I'm doing and it's just, it's really disarming, like the love that I've experienced here so..

Michelle Hiatt

Wow, I was not expecting all that I'm just over here crying you guys like literally like I yeah, thank you. That is like me so much. It really is my heart's desire to live out every word that I speak which is why this podcast means so much to me because I'm not here. to tickle your ears and a say fancy, goood things. Actually, if anything, I guarantee a lot of these conversations challenge you specifically this one, I guarantee this is going to provoke your heart in an uncomfortable way but let it let it do that. Let the Lord speak to you how he wants to because you know, like Hannah mentioned in life we have to fight for the things that matter most after fight to spend time with my children for quality time. Even though I am a homeschool mom like it's not nothing in life comes easy. You have to fight for those things and prioritize and we'd have to fight for your marriage. But I want you to fight for hospitality because it's something that matters to God's heart. So go read Romans 12 the whole thing because it's all good and it's all beautiful, but know that it is on God's heart and it is on his mind. And so as you fight for the most important things in life don't forget to fight for opening up your heart in your home, to be hospitable to other people and to invite people to be guests and just to have your heart posture willing and available and surrendered in that way because you might be the answer to someone's prayer. Someone could be praying and you might be the answer to their prayer. You might be the hands and feet of Jesus in a way that you would never expect it to be or expect it to look like. Be available. Let him do what God wants to do and trust His leadership in your life and I promise, I promise He's a good shepherd and you will never get lost if you follow His leadership.

Hey Mama real quick, before you run off and do all the things, if you found value in today's conversation it would mean the world to me if you left a review on my podcast. I know you know how precious time is. The biggest thing that you can give me for taking the time to share on this podcast is to leave a written review. This helps me on my mission to encourage and empower others who are pursuing their greatest potential from home.

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